February, 2024

Rider down: workshop on first aid for riders

FeaturedCompletedthu22feb6:00 pmthu9:00 pmRider down: workshop on first aid for ridersInvitation only workshop on how to provide first aid in case of an emergency

Event Details

RIDER DOWN: First Aid/Trauma Skills for Motorcycle Riders

An invitation-only workshop!
We believe everyone can be a hero to someone they love, with the right tools and knowledge: we want you to be that hero to other riders!

This workshop addresses what to do and what not to do in case of an emergency on the road.
In this hands-on workshop, motorcycle riders gather in a well-equipped, interactive setting where they are taught essential first-aid skills, specifically tailored for road accidents and emergencies. The training emphasizes the importance of quick and efficient first aid response, highlighting how these skills can be life-saving in critical moments following a motorcycle incident.

This is for DROC members only, registrations will open soon


February 22, 2024 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm(GMT-08:00)

Ducati Newport Beach

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